CALL FOR PROPOSALS To Support Coordinated Referral Mechanisms for Domestic Violence Cases and engage community members in promoting gender equality and end violence against women

May 24, 2021

CALL FOR PROPOSALS To Support Coordinated Referral Mechanisms for Domestic Violence Cases and engage community members in promoting gender equality and end violence against women and girls


  1. Context
  2. Purpose and areas of interest
  3. Who may apply
  4. Project duration
  5. Budget proposals
  6. How to apply
  7. Evaluation and selection of the proposals
  8. How and where to send the proposals

Annex A - Grant Application Form

Interested national/local organizations are requested to submit a proposal matching the following purpose and criteria:

1.       Context

Albania has made important progress in establishing relevant institutional and policy frameworks for achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment, in line with international, regional, and national gender equality standards and obligations. Despite significant efforts, the legislative framework has gaps, institutional response mechanism face challenges to improve and strengthen inter-institutional co-operation in preventing and handling violence against women (VAW) cases. Therefore, to ensure an effective response, it is critical to mobilize government, civil society and people in local communities to act in unison to fulfill national and international commitments to prevent and eliminate VAW.

On this long road to end VAW, the United Nations (UN) has supported the Government of Albania (GoA) for the past 15 years. Despite the progress achieved so far and in line with current challenges Albania needs to further address in ending GB-VAW. To support GoA with addressing these challenges, Output 2.5 of the UN’s Programme of Cooperation for Sustainable Development (PoCSD) with the GoA and the UN Joint Programme (JP) “Ending Violence Against Women in Albania” (EVAWIA) (three years programme), funded by the Government of Sweden, aims to produce these output level results: (1) a strengthened normative and accountability framework related to GB-VAW; (2) improved institutional practices, services and coordination for survivors of GB-VAW; and (3) to challenge norms pertaining to GB-VAW at the state, community and individual levels. These results aim at bringing institutional and behavioral change in preventing and responding to GB-VAW, thereby contributing to freeing women and girls from all forms of GB-VAW and from the threat of such violence.

The programme’s target groups, befitting indirectly and directly form the improved legislative framework, policies and institutional coordinated response practices are women survivors of VAW and men and women in communities at large. A specific focus of this JP are the hard to reach communities that have been marginalized because of age (elderly women), ability (women with disabilities), minority status (Roma, Egyptian), sexual orientation (LGBTI), and place of residence (rural and remote areas of the country).

2.       Purpose and areas of interest

Specifically, under output level result 2, CRMs for prevention and handling domestic violence (DV) cases at local level have been established in 61 municipalities. Over the years, Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MoHSP) in close partnership with by UNDP provided support for the establishment and further strengthening of 36 CRMs. Only in the frame of the UN JP EVAWIA, 25 CRMs are further capacitated for better functioning. This support focused on: i) providing services to DV survivors to manage effectively DV/GBV cases and ensure undisruptive services in normal and during COVID-19; ii)  providing support to DV cases through integrated specialized multisectoral support services; iii) immediate response for covering the basic needs of the emergent cases of  victims/survivors of gender-based violence and domestic violence; iv) capacity building of DV-GBV service providers members of CRMs on improving their multisectoral cooperation for DV/GBV case management and feeding the REVALB system with data on DV/GBV cases at local level; iv) raising awareness of women, girls, men and boys on women empowerment and ending violence against women and girls.

During COVID-19 pandemics, MoHSP and UNDP in cooperation with civil society organizations (NGOs) provided specific support to women and girls, victims of DV and their families through CRMs at local level, focusing on concrete support of integrated multisectoral professional services to DV victims and their families; increasing capacity building for first line responders and preparation of awareness raising materials addressing issues of gender roles.

Furthermore, MoHSP with the support of UNDP, UN Women and UNFPA and in close partnership with civil society organizations and local state institutions launched on 25th November 2020 the 16 days of activism campaign against GBV -DV under the slogan: Listen. Believe. Support. Multiple events were organized to raise awareness on GBV-VAW with an intensive online social media campaign from 25 November to 29 December that reached a total 2,7 million interactions.

Building upon the UN JP EVAWIA results, UNDP in close cooperation with MoHSP is issuing a call for proposals for NGOs to provide comprehensive service packages as needed to victims of domestic violence and gender-based violence for, rehabilitation, reintegration, and empowerment purposes in close cooperation with CRMs at local level.

The areas of focus of the proposals are the following:

i)                    Provide effective response to DV-GVB victims and provision of rehabilitating services

Due to the multiple needs of victims and their families, a range of services must be available to complement government support services for DV and GBV victims and vulnerable women. Services required should include, but are not limited to provide:

·         Immediate protection and support services to domestic and sexual violence victims and their children through safe accommodation, food packages, necessary clothes, hygiene supplies relevant for preventing COVID-19, legal and psycho-social services, and support schemes for DV-GBV victims. These services will be provided in close cooperation with members of the coordinated referral mechanisms at local level with relevant civil society service providers.

·         First line responders and service providers engaged in providing specialized support services to women and girls, victims of DV-GBV, women and children placed in the women’s shelters/local emergency shelters equipped with personal protective equipment’s (PPE) when and if needed (i.e masks, gloves, disinfection, etc.), which will prevent virus transmission.

·         Support members of the CRMs with referral of cases to other specialized service providers right after the DV/GBV victims have been provided with emergency support services.

·         Psychosocial and legal support available for women and girls who may be affected by the outbreak and gender-based violence and domestic violence survivors.

ii)                   Provide women empowerment services through:

  • Emergency sheltering as a source of immediate short-term safety and transitional housing to offer victims a housing option and supportive services—including counseling, childcare, transportation, life skills, education and/or job training.  Transitional housing programs give survivors the time and services they need to achieve goals for long-term safety and stability. 
  • Survivors of domestic violence supported with the tools to establish economic self-sufficiency, short-term goal-setting, and long-term planning for their futures.
  • Employment and income support for vulnerable women and survivors of GBV.
  • Raise awareness among front-line practitioners engaged in women's economic empowerment initiatives.

iii)                 Engage community members in promoting gender equality and end violence against women and girls

  • Promote innovative ideas of building partnerships between men and women and against DV-GBV, which include awareness raising activities at local level, targeting women and girls, men and boys.
  • Organize activities that promote opportunities to socialize and create a sense of community creating civic activism in light of upcoming campaign

More specifically, some types of services as per this call, could be the following:

  • Psychological and legal counselling and emotional support to DV-GBV victims.
  • Information, referral safety planning for DV-GBV victims.
  • Emergency access to a safe place, including emergency transportation and overnight accommodation, particularly for those in rural and isolated area.
  • Access to affordable and safe housing, and to legal and medical services if, and when needed.
  • Child support and counselling for children to overcome trauma.
  • Access to income and assets for DV-GBV victims.
  • Elaborate and implement sustainable solutions to effectively support women in building true economic independence and reduce the risk of being forced to go back to violent domestic contexts because of lack of alternatives.
  • Support women and girls, victims of DV/GBV with preparing files and follow procedures for benefiting from supportive municipal social housing schemes as per the need;
  • Provide DV and GBV survivors with opportunities to access professional trainings and job placements that can contribute to building their economic independence.
  • Organize public awareness and advocacy activities at local level that aim to build a system of shared values that promote equality, challenge abusive behavior that lead to violence against women and girls and challenge gender stereotypes.

The above is not an exhausting list, but more of an indication of the expected typology of services to the applying NGOs.

3.       Who may apply

This call is open to Albanian non-profit organizations with working experience in providing support services to DV and GBV victims and organizing awareness raising initiatives of marginalized communities on human rights, such as victims of gender-based and/or domestic violence, returnees from migration, Roma and Egyptian communities, members of LGBTI community, persons with disabilities, including youth and elderly. By organization it is understood a non-profit organization registered in Albania to provide legal and social services to the vulnerable individuals and groups, where a primary aim of these organizations is empowerment and the growth of self-advocacy of persons to realize their lawful interests by accessing basic services, including DV and GBV victims support services.

The applicants should submit:

-          the court decision certifying the registration of the organization

-          a valid tax registration (NIPT) certificate

-          a bank account in Albanian Lekë (ALL) in the name of the organization.    

4.       Project duration

The project duration is maximum 10 months.

5.       Geographical reach

The proposed interventions are encouraged to cover geographical areas where there is lack of support to NGOs that provide specialized support services to DV/GBV victims with a keen focus on rehabilitation and reintegration services.

6.       Budget proposal

The project proposal should include a budget proposal where the request for grant shall not exceed the amount of 1,700,000 – 2,100,000 Albanian LEKË. Any grant requests over 2,100,000 for the total project period will not be considered.  Proposals will be considered “one-time grants,” with no expectations for follow-on funding.

Proposals are encouraged to include a contribution, in cash or in kind, from the applicant organization. For its in-kind contributions, the applicant should insert an approximate value of their worth. 

Applicants shall indicate the entire budget in Albanian LEKË (ALL) by detailing all costs including those financed from the Applicant's own resources (e.g. wages, social security charges, rent and any other recurrent and capital costs) and specifying sources of finance.

7.       How to apply

Proposals must be submitted using the Grant Application Form (Annex A). Proposals might be in English language.

Clarifications will be requested at the following electronic address:;

Evaluation and selection of the proposals

Proposals will be reviewed by a panel as per the UNDP rules and regulations for calls for proposals.

Administrative Verification

Applicants are required to fulfil the following:

Administrative requirements



Copy of the Applicant’s Registration Court Decision is submitted

Copy of the Applicant’s Tax Registration (NIPT) Certificate is submitted

A bank document with the details of the bank account in Albanian Lekë (ALL) in the name of the organization    

Grant Application Form is submitted

Should any of the requested documents or information be missing, the proposal may be rejected.

Technical Evaluation of Proposals/Scoring Criteria

Proposals that fulfill the administrative requirements will be evaluated based on the technical evaluation criteria and points contained in the table below:

Technical evaluation criteria

Scoring Rates 1-5

(5= Excellent, 4=very good. 3=Good, 2=fair, 1=Unsatisfactory)

  1. Relevance of the proposal with the purpose of the call and stated problems
  1. Coherence of the proposal i.e. clear link between the described need, purpose, objectives and activities
  1. Feasibility of the proposal i.e. assessment of the applicant’s technical resources and prospects for success.
  1. Sustainability of the proposal
  1. Budget estimation rationality
  1. Applicant’s contribution (share in %) to the total budget value  

Proposals will be ranked according to the highest score received (max. 30 points) and selected for funding in descending order. The number of selected proposals will depend on their total grant amount which cannot exceed the maximum available fund for this call as earlier mentioned under section 5 above.

8.       How and where to send the Proposals

Interested organizations should submit the proposal using the Grant Application Form (Annex A), the copy of the registration court decision, the copy of the tax registration-NIPT certificate and the bank document with bank account details in a sealed envelope by registered mail, private courier service or by hand-delivery at the address below:

United Nations Development Programme

Joint Programme Ending Violence against Women in Albania (EVAWIA)

Rruga Bogdaneve, 7th floor,

Tirana, Albania

The deadline for the receipt of full Proposals is 7 June 2021 at 12:00 a.m. local time.


(Annex A)

Grant Application Form

Project Document

Summary Data Sheet

Project Title

Name of Applicant Organization


Legal Status


Estimated total cost of the project


Funds claimed under UNDP

(Grant in ALL)


Location/s of the action

Total duration of the action

Applicant's contact details for the purpose of this action


Telephone number: (fixed and mobile)

Contact person for this action:

Contact person's email:




Name of the Applicant’s Representative:




Seal of the Applicant:

  1. Purpose of the Grant (max. one paragraph)

Indicate the purpose of the grant and describe the result(s) the grant is expected to achieve.

(Brief description/What is this project about?)

  1. Situation Analysis (max. one page)

(State the problem & project response to the problem)

  1. Project objectives

-          Project objectives (an objective is a measurable, time specific result that the organization expects to accomplish as part of the grant).

-          Project results (mention the results in terms of quantity and quality).

-          Target group/s (direct and indirect beneficiaries) and how will potential beneficiaries be selected? (one paragraph)

-          Geographical focus (one paragraph)

  1. Intervention approach and activities

This section should explain:

-          Intervention approach – which is the typology of interventions/instruments that will contribute to the achievement of the objective (e.g. capacity building, study/research, awareness raising activities, partnerships)

-          Partner Organization - provide information if you will be working with other organizations and describe their role in the project

-          Project activities (description)

-          Indicators expressed as performance targets (indicators are measurement index of the results which will be used as evidences to evaluate if the project is moving in the right direction guided by the objective/s). Complete the table below 























  1. Annual Work Plan - Table format (below)



Planned Budget for the Activity

(in ALL)




Grant’s contribution

Applicant’s own contribution


1.1               Activity

1.2 Activity

1.3 Activity


1The third tranche (T3) will be 10% of the requested grant amount and released upon completion of the project and submission of the final project report.


  1. Risk analysis – table format below

Indicate relevant risks to achieving the grant objectives and mitigation measures that will be taken. Risks include security, financial, operational, social and environmental or other risks.


Risk rating* (High/Medium/ Low)

Mitigation measures 










*The risk rating is based on a reflection of the likelihood of the risk materializing and the consequence it will have if it does occur.


  1. Management Arrangements

Explain the roles and responsibilities of the key project personnel involved in the project.

  1. Budget*

Budget Lines**


Unit cost

Number of units

Total Cost

Grant’s contribution

Applicant’s own contribution





Workshops, etc.

Contracts (e.g., Audit)






Other [Specify]













*              Please note that all budget Lines are for costs related only to grant Activities.

**           Add as many budget categories and sub-budget lines as necessary.

  1. Information on the organization

Explain why the grantee is uniquely suited to deliver on the objectives.


  1. Terms of Reference for key project personnel

TOR should be developed and attached. CVs of the key personnel should be attached as well.