Skills Development for Employment Programme

Skills Development and Cooperation

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Skills Development for Employment Programme

January 28, 2020

With the vision of an Albanian Employment and Vocational Education and Training Policy which supports the labour market with a skilled workforce that contributes to sustainable and inclusive economic development of the country, SD4E ends the first year of its consolidation phase. During a validation workshop held on the 24th of January 2020, the partner institutions, SDC and UNDP take stock of the results of 2019 and prepare the plans for 2020. Among other products, during 2019, SD4E supported the process of revising the National Employment and Skills Action plan 2019-2022, preparing the necessary bylaws to functionalize the National Agency for Employment and Skills, furthered the reform process of the Active Labour Market programmes, and supported NAVETQ in leading the first self-assessment process of the 44 public VET providers. 2020 will be as busy of a year, focusing on, among others, consolidating the governance structures of the VET and employment policy implementation, finalizing the reform process of the employment services, producing a major VET system review; developing and introducing the accreditation process of public and private VET providers. Three major events are planned, such as the official launch of the National Agency for Employment and Skills, and two national conferences on VET and job creation.
Sustainable Development Goals