Public perceptions and attitude towards genedr equality in Albania

Public perceptions and attitude towards genedr equality in Albania

March 30, 2016

The study examines public perceptions of gender equality in Albania. Drawing on 450 interviews conducted in the four regions of the country – mountainous, coastal, central, and Tirana regions – the study sheds light on the following aspects: the division of household chores; the division of responsibilities for childcare; perceptions and attitudes towards the role of women and men in the family; employment and income; money management; career-family balance; and recommended areas of intervention to increase the participation of women and girls in the labour market, and the contribution of men and boys in the house.

Studimi hulumton perceptimet publike mbi barazinë gjinore në Shqipëri. Ai mbeshtetet ne 450 intervista te zhvilluara ne kater rajone te vendit – nje malor, nje bregdetar, nje qendror, dhe rajoni i Tiranes – dhe hedh drite mbi aspektet te ndryshme si: ndarja e puneve te shtepise, ndarja e pergjegjesive te kujdesit per femijet, perceptimet dhe qendrimet ndaj roleve te grave dhe burrave ne familje, punesimi dhe te ardhurat, menaxhimi i parave, balanca karriere-familje, si dhe rekomandimet per fushat e nderhyrjes per rritjen e pjesemarrjes se grave dhe vajzave ne tregun e punes dhe ndihmesen e burrave dhe djemve ne familje.